วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Green Spa, New You 10 Easy Green Changes

Eat less (or no) meat. If that sounds too hard, start with one meat-free day a week, and slowly increase this over time.
Read more. Practice the yama of satya (seeking the truth) by getting informed about the realities of what’s happening on our planet. Then act accordingly!Less is more. Starting practising aparigraha by easing back on consumption or buying second hand, small, conscious actions make a differenctakeaway food (all those lunches at work), invest a few dollars in a knife/fork/spoon combo. Yes, it’s plastic, but only once. Buy for a few dollars from any camping goods store.
Choose local, organic foods wherever possible, and start asking questions of your suppliers. Farmers markets and food coope.
Travel eco. If you regularly buy eratives are often filled with informed foodies. If budget’s an issue, find farmers who aren’t certified organic, but who don’t use pesticide sprays as a good interim solution.Say no to plastic bags as a matter of course and support the local “bag swap” programs appearing in pockets across the country.Ask for your morning chai (or coffee) in your own mug. Metallic insides are harder to find, but generally accepted as healthier (heat and plastic don’t mix). This easy alternative to disposable cups is also a visible symbol that encourages others to think about their own actions.
Turn off commercial television. Use it as a chance to read, talk to someone you love, practice or simply give your energy field a break from all the “wanting” the barrage of ads can bring.Meditate on the sutra Sthira sukham asanam .
Stop drinking bottled water. The 250 million litres of bottled water , largely because the two main ingredients in plastic PET bottles are derived from crude oil.

